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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

A religious revival of the Left

Three quarters of Americans believe the Bible teaches that “God helps those who help themselves.”
Bill McKibben, writing in "The Christian Paradox" (

What America may need most from the Christian Left is a moral reawakening.

America needs to be converted. It needs to read the Gospel, to hear the words of Jesus, and to work with the Church. It needs to turn away from the mongers of hate who use the Christian message for its own purposes.

As Christians wake up to the fact that their very name has been stolen by radical fundamentalists, they slowly but surely organize a movement for long-term political and social change.

Bill McKibben should wake us up to realize is that political and social change requires a real religious conversion: away from the fake religion of selfishness and hatred, back to Jesus' two great commandments: to love God and serve one's neighbor.


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